Dr. Kassu holds a joint BSc degree in applied mathematics and physics, and MSc in applied physics from Memorial University of NL, Canada, and a PhD from North Carolina A&T State University in 2017. During his master's program in Open Quantum Systems, Kassu published four groundbreaking original works, specifically on “Evolution of Entanglements” and “Evolution of entanglement of two qubits interacting through local and collective environments.” In 2023, Dr. Kassu was appointed as a Postdoctoral Research Officer fellow in Computational Data Science Engineering in Chemistry at Swansea University UK and a collaborative Research Affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Cornell University. His research interests spans but not limited to: . Quantum Information & Computation using Open Quantum Systems approach for potential applications in superconductivity. . Building real-world applications using Machine Learning (ML), Large Language Models (LLMs), and updated state-of-the-art AI progressions in medical devices, creating new sustainable materials, and building smart interactive and domain-specific bots.